Graham is an active member of the Inner West community. He regularly attended Probus club meetings in Marrickville, and volunteered at the local library. Graham was friendly with many of his neighbours. After his wife died, the families on his street had been a great support.

But, when we met Graham, he was frustrated and disappointed. He was struggling to live independently. Cooking, cleaning and personal hygiene had become burdensome. Graham’s children and grandchildren regularly visited, but he sometimes felt embarrassed about the state of his home. He simply couldn’t clean it properly.

Graham had engaged an aged care support provider. The problem was—this provider simply wasn’t giving Graham the help he really needed. The provider did come to his house, but only to complete the bare minimum tasks. The carers didn’t have time to help Graham make his bed or hang out the washing. If this situation continued, Graham would no longer be able to live independently. He simply couldn’t cope anymore. 

Graham needed better support. That’s when he contacted Just Better Care. Our team wanted Graham to enjoy his independence again. We provided him with a reliable team of carers, who were professional and compassionate. Our team spent time getting to know Graham, so that we could understand his needs. 

The Just Better Care team helps Graham shop, cook, clean and more. Our care team always has time to help Graham make his bed, plan dinner and ensure the house is tidy. As well as providing this regular in-home care, we’ve helped Graham make some much-needed modifications to his home. Now, Graham is happy and relaxed. He no longer feels embarrassed about his home, and loves having family over to visit! Graham knows that whenever he needs a hand, he can pick up the phone and ask our team. This means Graham has confidence again—and loves living independently. 

When Graham first contacted Just Better Care, he wasn’t doing well. He was struggling to take care of himself and his home, and his support provider wasn’t giving him sufficient assistance. It’s been our pleasure to help Graham feel safe and confident again.