A 15 percent increase will be applied to eligible employees covered by three industry awards (the Aged Care, Nurses & SCHADS Awards) and includes all personal care workers and recreation/lifestyle activities officers, home care workers working in aged care and nursing staff working in direct care within the aged care sector.

The boost means full-time personal care workers on the minimum award rate at a level 4 (aged care award) or full-time home care workers on a level 3.1 (SCHADS award) could receive an additional $141.10 a week (more than $7,300 a year).
The increase takes effect from the start of the employee’s first full pay period on or after 30 June 2023.

The Minister for Aged Care, Anika Wells, said the pay boost will benefit more than 250,000 people and reflects the intent of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s final report to improve remuneration for aged care staff.
Minister Wells said the “historic and deserved” pay rise was a key plank in the government’s plan to create more opportunities for more Australians by investing in health and aged care.
It is estimated the pay boost will bring 10,000 more workers to the aged care sector.

“Fair wages play a major role in attracting and retaining workers to provide around-the-clock care for some of Australia’s most vulnerable people,” she said.

“This wage decision will help more women and families to make ends meet, and ensure that quality aged care workers are less likely to contemplate leaving the sector because of pay concerns.”
The pay increase is the latest move made by the Albanese Government to help relieve workforce pressures and support the sector to increase average care minutes.
Other initiatives already announced include fee-free TAFE, more university places, student clinical placements, as well as extended visas and training programs.
The increase does not apply to administrative employees, and chefs and cooks covered by the aged care award who aren’t the most senior food service employee at a particular aged care facility or site.
Aged care workers covered by an agreement, can check their minimum pay rate by searching the Fair Work Commission – Find an agreement database.