The Federal Government is supporting Australians with autism with a $4 million investment to extend funding for Autism CRC (Cooperative Research Centres) in 2023-24.


In operation since 2013, Autism CRC is an independent national source of evidence for best practice in relation to autism across the lifespan and the spectrum.


Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill Shorten said the Government is supporting the wellbeing of autistic Australians through evidence-based best practice guidelines.


“There are hundreds of thousands of Australians with autism, and the Government is committed to supporting their capacity and wellbeing.”


“For the past 10 years, Autism CRC has helped inform national practice and the policy landscape and built the capacity of individuals, service providers, and community settings in the process.”


“This new funding is testament of the Government’s commitment to supporting evidence-based policy approaches, and will empower Autism CRC to continue and expand its valuable role.”


Of the $4 million in funding, $1.35 million is being provided through the Support for People with Autism measure to enable Autism CRC to continue its work supporting the development of Australia’s first National Autism Strategy.


A further $2.65 million, funded under the Information, Linkages and Capacity (ILC) Mainstream Capacity Building Program, will be used to embed current evidence-based professional practice in service systems to assist individuals, families and carers of people with autism to make informed choices. 


This will help ensure mainstream health clinicians deliver services consistent with national guidelines and continue to increase the inclusive capacity of Australian schools and workplaces.

 The strategy?

Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth said the funding will support the next steps in developing the National Autism Strategy.


“The National Autism Strategy is for all autistic Australians and will look at key areas including access to services, healthcare, education and employment.”


“Public consultation is now open, marking the commencement of phase two of the strategy’s development. We will work with Autism CRC to make sure that our engagement is inclusive and autistic people’s lived experiences are considered alongside evidence-based understanding and best practice.”

 What is Autism?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting one in 70 Australians. The condition impacts a person’s thinking, feelings, language, learning, and relationships. This commonly presents as differences in communication, learning, and social interactions. 


Autism is also a spectrum disorder. Because of this, no two individuals with autism present exactly the same. For this reason, it is widely acknowledged that autism interventions need to be tailored and comprehensive. Tailored interventions ensure that your loved one receives the right support, for the right reason, at the right time in their life. A comprehensive intervention ensures support across all developmental domains.